Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Funeral in Mamangkhe

1,2 - The procession through the village

Looking over the body

Preparing the pyre (which will also be the tomb)

Resting after the first act.

Lighting the pyre

Preparing a mini-tongba (millet beer drinking-vessel) to offer to the spirit of the deceased on the tomb.

Drinking millet-beer after the funeral (behind is the new Limbu museum)

Funeral in early June 2007. I had just arrived back in the village after a short stint in Kathmandu. 4 shamans in charge of capturing, controlling and properly releasing the spirit of the dead man walked across the village banging small cymbals and followed by most villagers, who each carried one piece of firewood. As the man died accidentally whilst hunting high up above the village, shamans are needed to make sure his spirit is properly dealt with and does not become an angry ghost, lingering around the village and attacking his relatives. At every river crossing or fork in the path, a small ritual is performed was performed by the head shaman, to encourage the spirit to follow the procession.

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