Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Sansari puja

The Sansari puja, performed on three Saturdays around the Nepali new year. Here are photos of the first puja, held on the 7th of April.

Extract from fieldnotes:

"....Overall, this is a puja for the protection and well-being of all the inhabitants of Mamangkhe (excluding the villages on the other side of the river who apparently conduct their own pujas...therefore this is for all the wards in the VDC from 1-7 - excluding 8,9.) The river puja was conducted in Nepali. Mention was made of all the different groups in the village, and other groups perhaps spontaneously thought of by Deoman - Rai, Gurung, Limbu, Kami, Sarki, and others. I don't think I heard Brahmin mentioned., but then there are none here (I think).
The other pujas were conducted in Limbu, with use of Nepali for dates and years, and occassional mixing...."

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